Case Study – Disney Luca

Ensuring a highly impactful media execution by amplifying the experience through a fun, and interactive gamification end card.

Case Study – Converse

From a simple brand awareness video view to an impactful, interactive, and immersive end card.

Case Study – SAT

Partnering with South African Tourism to activate South Africa through a highly engaging and inspiring mobile video.

Case Study – SA Nescafe

With 582,000 video completions the campaign achieved exceptional results with its highly engaging execution.

Case Study – BMW X Crew

An impressive 83% view through rate was reached when users got to “experience” the vehicle without having to go to the dealership.

Case Study – Montego

Driving broad awareness of the brand message and amplifying the competition element through a playful end card.

Our Micro and Macro Influencer Specialist Platform uses advanced technology to match brands and campaigns with relevant larger-scale influencers, personalities and celebrities.
